From screening and diagnostic assessment to successful intervention and effective teaching strategies combined with liaison with fellow professionsals, whatever is required to help each and every learner, infant to adult, early years to workplace - become more successful and independent learners, we will seek to provide.

We are all trained in specific learning difficulties, especially Dylsexia, although we specialise in all learning difficulties such as Apserger Syndrome, Adhd and have training and experience in Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Speech and Language Difficulties. We also appreciate that many learners have learning difficulties that are co-occurring with others.

Via a free initial consultation with the learner we will be able to screen and diagnose difficulties, suggest suitable teaching strategies or refer to other professionsals or simply offer advice. This is why this first consultation is free of charge - so that the next course of action is discussed without undue stress and free of any pressure on the learners, parents, family or loved ones.

We have a learner-centred approach and believe on basing our teaching and diagnosis of learning profiles on what has been learnt already, individual skills and strengths and by identifying different learning styles. All learners are unique! We believe in using strengths to overcome weaknesses and that learners are encouraged to reach their potential. We believe all learners can if they do what is required.

We have worked in primary, secondary and tertiary education and are available for consultation in workplace assessment and advice also. We have also been accredited to assess for Disabled Student Allowance as well as for JCQ extra examination time and other concessions.

Thursday 11 July 2013

About Me and My Work


Tuesday 2 July 2013

Art Quote of the Day

Art Quote of the Day

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Something New in the World of Specialist Tutoring

Free website -

For those of us who prefer to take in information more visually, which includes most learners with specific learning difficulties,  please find another one of our websites which contains alot of the information in this blog but is presented in a more immediate, easier-to-access (for some) style. Learners with Aspergers and ADHD will appreciate the sliding carousel-type visual representation of information and link betwen different pages.
We will be working towards other websites which will eventually have text help-type, reading aloud of information as well as a capability for changing the background colour of the screen and the font size also. An example of this can be seen on a learning difficulies site "WhatstheDiffernce?" that one of our tutors developed with a teaching colleague, Mr Stacey, at Olchfa Comprehensive which clearly illustrates these helpful facilities.
We would urge you to check out this site as it contains a host of information on various areas of learning difficulties including teaching and TA tips as well as a Parenting Special Needs section which seeks to cover all the areas a parent needs to know in relation to special educational needs. Please leave a comment on how to improve that, this or any other of our sites - that is how we learn how to improve our service to you.